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The authors of this book are committed to providing information that will stimulate thinking and create a desire to change of the course of the educational infrastructure in an effort to save students who may be lost due to their life circumstances, such as lack of access to the technological equipment needed to help them develop appropriate skills to participate in the current classroom setting, and the difference in the background and life experiences of the ‘have-nots'.

Table of Contents

Table of contents:

Preface by Portia Holmes Shields

1.Reaching and Teaching Children who are Victims of Poverty (Rose M. Duhon-Sells)

2.Teachers as Providers of Social Support to Help Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: An Important Message for Educators to Convey (Brenda Burrell)

3.Making Connections in Science and Mathematics a Means to Motivate Minority Students (Shelbie M. Anderson)

4.The Implications of Utilizing Eurocentric Constructs in the Education of Poor African American School Children (Michael E. Orok and Teresa Merriweather-Orok)

5.Respectful Education for All Children (Barbara Trzcinske)

6.Assisting Poverty Stricken Students Through Early Identification, Sound Instructional Practices, and Modified Content Area Reading Strategies (Glynn Travis King)

7.Attitudes and Experiences of College Students on Domestic Violence (Renee Wallace)

8.Discovering the Potential of the "Whole Child" (Audrey W. Beard and Melvin A. Shelton)

9.Providing Support for At-Risk Students in Higher Education (Deborah e. Bembry and Sylvia A. Bembry)

10.Configuring Curriculum in Low socioeconomic Schools for Increasing Students' Achievement (Burrel Block)

11.Instructional Strategies for Teachers who Teach Students who are Victims of Poverty (Claude Perkins and Alice Duhon-Ross)

12.Using the Whole-Language Approach with Minority Students – Students: Rhyme and Reason (Gwendolyn Duhon-Boudreaux, Katrina Boden-Webb, and Jimmy McJamerson)

13.Literacy in the Early Years (Phyllis C. Cuevas)

14.At Risk Students, Who are They? (Tony Manson)

15.From Under-prepared to Academic Success: A Case Study for Student Athlete Support Programs (Craig Curry)

16.Educational Programs turning Victims into Poverty (Jerry Hardee), Alice Duhon-Ross, and Ethelyn Lumpkin)

17.The Full Service School: A Holistic Approach to Affectively Serve Children in Poverty (Berly Watnick and Arlene Sacks)

18.Fate of the World's Children: A Global Challenge (Estela C. Matriano)

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