Tokyo Major War Crimes Trial the Complete Transcripts of the Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East

Within the emerging field of international law, this complete new edition of the complete transcripts of the Tokyo War Crimes Trial will be a necessity for all serious law libraries. Although an edition was published by Garland back in the 1980s, this new edition contains greatly expanded supporting materials, essays, corrected errata, and indexes. The original facsimile version was printed in four-up style, and the new Mellen edition is one-up, for easier reading and usage. The edition consists of 124 volumes (114 volumes of transcripts, 10 guide volumes), each approximately 500 pages. These will be indispensable volumes for studies in international criminal law, precedent, social psychology, modern military history, governmental relations, and other important fields. Although the inquiries focused on Japanese internal affairs and external relations from the period 1927-1945, there is also considerable information relating to earlier and later years. It is the largest collection of material in English on Japan and its relations with the outside world during this period.
Note: For more information on volumes and pricing, please contact the Order Department at 716-754-2788
"The Nuremberg trials and the IMTFE go hand in hand: no serious discussion of war crimes can take place without reference to both. Yet, in contrast to the Nuremberg records, which were published soon after the trials ended, the Tokyo record and separate opinions of the judges have been available only in a few research libraries. This project provides a long overdue and very welcome addition to the printed records. From now on, the problems of accessibility will not serve as an excuse for ignoring what when on at the Tokyo Trial." - Richard H. Minear, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, author of Victor's Justice: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial
"The Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, better known as the Tokyo War Crimes Trial, ore of enormous historical and legal importance. they have been lamentably neglected by publishers, so that lawyers and historical and other scholars have had little or no access to these invaluable materials. The present publication of the Proceedings, together with highly useful indexes and findings, is a giant step toward filling this gap." - Telford Taylor, Former Chief Prosecutor, Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
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