How to Develop Lay Ministry with a Local Church: Enlarging Personal Faith Through Christian Leadership

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Although the use of a secular model for mentoring new Christian disciples may seem strange, this study compares Situational Leadership to the leadership principles of the Apostle Paul as means of demonstrating its efficacy as a method for mentoring new disciples.


“Holsinger's distinctive contribution is in establishing a biblically and theologically sound intersection between "performance readiness" (Hershey and Blanchard) and "disciple readiness"—awakening, guiding, encouraging, and empowering. These behavioral and readiness attributes combine in strategic ways for both the mentor and the mentee. The mentor identifies degrees of readiness in the disciple and then applies specific behaviors to support growth into maturity as a disciple of Christ Jesus.” – Dr. Leslie A. Andrews, Asbury Theological Seminary

“The author has successfully discovered a process for mentoring that is predominantly task driven instead of status driven, which grows from the biblical and theological foundations, as well as contemporary leadership theory.” – Prof. Bill T Arnold, Asbury Theological Seminary

Table of Contents

Foreword by Leslie A. Andrews
Chapter 1
Pauline Leadership
Chapter 2
Theological Basis of Disciple Readiness
Chapter 3
Situational Leadership, Power, and Mentoring
Chapter 4
Disciple Readiness and Situational Leadership
Chapter 5
Implications for the Local Church
Works Cited

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