Subject Area: History-Thematic Studies

 Brettschneider, Marla
2025 1-4955-1316-9 274 pages
7 October 2023 II: Perspectives offers a glimpse into some of the many perspectives on the horrors of Hamas’ 7 October massacre in Israel and subsequent events in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, and beyond. This is the second of two 7 October 2023 books on the subject published by Mellen Press. The first one I co-edited with Bonita Nathan Sussman: 7 October 2023: Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe. Bonita played an important role in finalizing this work as well.

Price: $199.95

British Military Expeditions and the Conquest of Africa, 1824-1920
 Mbogoni, Lawrence
2024 1-4955-1247-9 480 pages
"In the invasion of Africa, British and other European military expeditions employed tactics and means that caused enormous loss of lives and destruction of property. ...Africa's defeat revealed not only nineteenth century weaknesses in African military capability and organization, but going into the twenty first century Africa remains as militarily weak and unable to repel external military aggression as it was unable to at the end of the nineteenth century." -Dr. Lawrence Mbogoni (Preface) This book received the Professor D. Simon Evans Prize for its distinguished contribution to scholarship.

Price: $299.95

Concept of the Individual in Eighteenth Century French Thought: From the Enlightenment to the French Revolution
 Binkley, Susan Carpenter
2007 0-7734-5275-3 160 pages
This interdisciplinary study explores the concept of the individual human being as it evolved within the philosophies of the French Enlightenment and how notions of the individual reached a turning point during the French Revolution. The author draws on the thought of French philosophes and revolutionaries concerning the individual within nature and society and examines them within the framework of Michel Foucault’s thought.

Price: $139.95

Piracy: Past, Present, Future
 Coe, John R.
2023 1-4955-1063-8 588 pages
This book provides a history of piracy. "Traditional piracy is a crime of ancient origin.... It has existed as long as there have been ships at sea because pirates have sought to steal from them. Internationally, laws against piracy have ancient origins, too, but advanced technical law developed chiefly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with codification in treaties coming half way through the twentieth century. The United States has cooperated with other nations to combat piracy at the international level in the twentieth century." -James Biser Whisker and John R. Coe (Introduction)

Price: $239.95

Radio Patent Lists and Index, 1830-1980
 Kraeuter, David W.
2001 0-7734-7520-6 632 pages
This work opens and organizes the patent literature for a hundred US and British radio inventors who worked between 1830 and 1980. The bibliography provides a list of each inventor’s US or British patents in chronological order, providing an indication of the inventor’s technical development. A keyword index locates patents by general subject. Since all entries in the bibliography and index are complete, either can be used as a stand-alone document (to verify patent dates or numbers, for example) or as a tool which can provide rapid entry into the numerous patent volumes themselves.

Price: $339.95

The Antichrist from Earliest Times Through the Reformation: The History of a Theological Idea
 Coe, John R.
2024 1-4955-1232-0 288 pages
This book is a thematic study offering a history of representations of the antichrist in religious thought and literature. "The malevolent figure of the Antichrist has endured for more than two millennia as both a religious and secular character. Its spectral figure has cast a powerful shadow over events during these ages. For two thousand years the Antichrist has appeared as the evil antagonist against Jesus Christ in the cosmic dual between good and evil." -The Authors

Price: $159.95

The Cultural Salons of Educated Women that Shaped the Politics of Germany over 200 Years (1730-1914): A Study of Their Diaries, Letters, Memoirs, Poetry, and Philosophy
 Lass, Egon H.E.
2023 1-4955-1073-5 604 pages
"Everything in this book is historically true, based on diaries, letters, memoirs, and an occasional biography. All of the original sources were in German. The story unfolds in a slow progression, beginning in the second half of the 18th century, proceeding through the 19th, and finishing in the early years of the 20th century, arranged by date of birth for each figure. The development of the story reveals a pleasant surprise--the interconnectedness of it all, how these contemporaries knew each other, or of each other, influenced each other, admired each other, and in some cases activey visited each other and were close friends for life. All of the women were highly intelligent and literate, meaning that they were either of the privileged nobility or of families that were wealthy enough to allow their daughters a decent education. But even at the beginning of the 20th century there was still a reluctance among men to credit women for their intellectual achievements, as seen in the case of Therese von Bayern, and when they did, it was a source of shame and embarrassment for the woman, because contrary to all indications, she doubted her own legitimacy as a scholar." - Egon Lass (from the author's Introduction)

Price: $339.95

 Mohanty, Nirode
2024 1-4955-1233-9 352 pages
"The world is spiraling toward conflict, belligerence, and disharmony and is now going through an unprecedented social and spiritual crisis, class confrontation, calamity, and nuclear and terrorist threats. The rise of drug use, broken families, the number of single parents, the rise of school and public place mass shootings, suicides, and depression, the rise of sexual scandals among priests and media. The rise in the overuse of iPads and spartphones by young kids are threatening our home, society, schools, and the environment with vicious violence, menacing insecurity, wild protests, and rampant immorality. ...Based on the Vedas, the Upanishad, the Brahma Sutra, and the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedic values are declining." -Nirode Mohanty ("Preface")

Price: $239.95

 Donalson, Malcolm Drew
2024 1-4955-1194-4 60 pages
"In this intriguing book, Donalson sorts out the traditions associated with the various Marys and the unnamed women linked to them. Although it is impossible to solve the puzzle completely, the book discusses the options offered by the tradition and shows how the Marys, especially the Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalena, and Mary of Bethany contribute to Christian piety, spirituality, legend, and theology." -Dr. Scott Goins (Preface)

Price: $79.95