DiecisÉis Entrevistas Con Autores Chilenos ContemporÁneos: La Emergencia De Una Nueva Narrativa

Author: | García-Corales, Guillermo |
Year: | 2005 |
Pages: | 320 |
ISBN: | 0-7734-5992-8 978-0-7734-5992-2 |
Price: | $219.95 + shipping |
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The objective of this book is to document the perceptions of distinguished Chilean authors and critics with respect to their own literary works produced approximately during the last fifteen years (1990-2005) and the manners in which these texts have generated cultural debate. The book consists, in large part, of in-depth academic interviews completed during the second semester of 2004 and the first part of 2005 with prominent authors whom are related to the New Chilean Narrative. These interviews are preceded by an introductory chapter which outlines the key ideological and literary concepts present in the reflections found in the interviews.
This volume contributes material that will enhance the understanding of key representatives of the New Chilean Narrative. These distinguished authors have a fundamental place in the history of Chilean literature and play a crucial role in Chile’s and Latin America’s literary scene. As demonstrated in the foreword of each of the in-depth interviews in this book, all of the writers have been recognized at an international level and have been bestowed with prestigious literary awards. In addition, their novels and volumes of short stories can be appreciated by a large community of readers and are the focus of investigation in diverse academic centers of Latin America, the United States, and Europe. This work will appeal to scholars in Latin American Studies and Contemporary Latin American Literature
“Latin American fiction of the 1990s has become a central focus for critics and scholars with the rise of the “Crack Generation” in Mexico, the “Generation of the 1990s in Brazil, and international groupings of writers such as those found in the oft-cited volume McOndo ... Dr. García-Corales has produced this exceptionally valuable and impressive critical introduction to Chilean fiction of the 1990s. After his knowledgeable introduction to this period’s narrative, he offers twelve chapters on the most recognized writers of the 1990s, including Pia Barros, Jaime Collyer, Gonzalo Contreras, Ana María del Río, Ramón Díaz Eterovic, Mauricio Electrorat, Diamela Eltit, Alberto Fuguet, Pedro Lemebel, Diego Munoz Valenzuela, Darío Oses, and Hernán Rivera Letelier ... This book’s critical focus is the cultural debate in Chile involving the viability of the Nueva Narrativa Chilena as a response to the posdictadura period, both in the political sense (as a reassessment of the dictadura years, 1973-1990) and in the cultural sense as a response to the novísimos such as Skármeta and the writers of the 1980s, such as Eltit) ... the author makes a convincing case, with the publication of this seminal book, that there has indeed been a renaissance of Chilean narrative in the 1990’s. Going well beyond tired comments about globalization, “light” commercial literature and the demise of the book industry, Dr. García-Corales clearly defines the importance and uniqueness of the Chilean narrative of the 1990s.” – (from the Preface) Raymond L. Williams, Professor of Latin American Literature, University of California - Riverside
“This book consists of sixteen interviews with several Chilean authors from the Generation of 1980 who have received national and international recognition ... The topics of discussion range from sociopolitical issues – such as feminism, exile, neoliberalism and the democratic transition – to literary ones, such as the neo-detective story, the new historical novel, writing from the margins, literary criticism, and the contemporary Chilean cultural field in general ... Overall, this fascinating collection of interviews is a much-needed contribution to the field of Chilean literary and cultural criticism. It unveils the ideological premises of a prolific generation of Chilean writers and opens the door, through the writers’ own interpretation of their work and those of their peers, to numerous lines of research.” – Ignacio López-Calvo, Professor of Spanish, California State University - Los Angeles
“ ... From the first pages, the book invites certain reflections of interest. The understanding of the Literary Generation with which the author operates is founded upon two basic premises: the date of birth of the interviewed writers, and thus, consequently, the years their literary formation began to develop during the dictatorship years. This is the vital experience which is shared distinctly. Aside from these parameters, the author allows many other elements to remain pending for discussion with the possibility of posing them as questions ... This book offers a valuable opportunity to understand the motivations and concerns that impulse each author’s literary project. It is evident that through each writer’s testimonial and work, a common aesthetic reaction cannot be perceived in the presence of the social events that took place in Chile from 1973, which in turn do not permit an existence of a relatively homogenous Generation.” – Juan Carlos Lértora, Professor of Spanish, Skidmore College
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
1. Pía Barros and the Paths of Desire: A Feminist Perspective of the New Chilean Narrative
2. The Contemporary Chilean Narrative and the Cultural Debate: The Case of Jaime Collyer
3. From La ciudad anterior to La ley natural: Gonzalo Contreras and the Chilean Cultural Panorama
4. The Chilean Narrative of the Democratic Transition through Ana María del Río’s Vision
5. Ramón Díaz Eterovic and the Neo-Detective Novel in the Chilean and Latin American Cultural Field
6. Mauricio Electrorat and the New Chilean Narrative from the Exile Perspective
7. Power, the Market and Writing: Diamela Eltit Revisited
8. From Mala onda to Las películas de mi vida: The Fuguet Effect in Chilean Culture
9. Pedro Lemebel’s Figure and the Chronicle from the Margins of a Neo-liberal Chile
10. Diego Muñoz Valenzuela and the Generation of 1980 in Search of Lost Values
11. Darío Oses in the Cultural Debate of the Present Chile: From Machos tristes to La música de las esperas
12. Hernán Rivera Letelier and the Voices of the Nitrate Pampa in the Letters of a Post-Dictatorial Chile
13. Contemporary Chilean Literature and Political-Ideological Criticism Patricia Espinosa’s Vision
14. The Present Chilean Narrative from an Academic Perspective: Andrés Gallardo Ballacey’s Considerations
15. The New Historical Novel, the Neo-Detective Novel and Women’s Writings: Eddie Morales Piña’s Reflections
16. A Glance at Chilean Literature from the Casa del Escritor: Fernando Quilodrán’s Observations
Works Cited
Alphabetical Index
Other Literature - Chilean Books
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