Concordance to the Complete Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517-1547)

Author: | McGaw, William |
Year: | 2015 |
Pages: | 692 |
ISBN: | 1-4955-0377-1 978-1-4955-0377-1 |
Price: | $359.95 + shipping |
| (Click the PayPal button to buy) |
An entirely new and major contribution to rediscovering the corpus of work and achievements from the sixteenth-century poet Henry Howard. It is, as no previous concordance has been, a coherent, integrated and an intellectually accessible resource with significant innovations in literary concordances, archaic words, modern words with obsolete meanings, and words with multiple means have been glossed with a wide range of application.
“In a most timely manner, William McGaw’s scholarship has offered readers in the twenty-first century valuable opportunities to renew our acquaintance with a major English poet of the sixteenth century…we may now navigate our way much more easily through the multifarious output of this still neglected poet with the assistance of this Concordance.”
-Andrew Hiscock,
Professor of English,
Bangor University, Wales
“Professor McGaw is the world’s leading authority on the poetry of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517-1547). His recent critical edition of the Complete Poems (Edwin Mellen, 2012) is a labour of scholarly expertise and devotion to the project that spans three decades. No one knows this material so well or to such effective purpose. The edition is lavishly detailed in its commentary which is always insightful and, as Surrey’s biographer, William Sessions, has written in the foreword: ‘This is scholarship at its finest: building towers by which poetry and language can be transmitted and made universal to generations ahead.’
This combination of functions is truly innovative and a most welcome feature of William McGaw’s concordance of Surrey’s poetry. It will ensure that all current and future readers can understand and enjoy Surrey’s work to the full. And not only Surrey’s: there are no comparable aids to reading the late Henrician poetry by Surrey’s contemporaries, much of which survives in unedited or variously edited manuscript sources. This concordance of words and phrases with its dual function as a comprehensive glossary will become an essential tool for anyone working on early Tudor poetry and the external history of the English language in this formative period of its growth and development.”
-Dr. Rivkah Zim,
Dept. of English,
King's College London
“Concordances are rare for sixteenth century authors so McGaw’s new concordance is something of a landmark. Computers have made the task of compiling a full concordance much more achievable and reliable and McGaw has been able to design and produce an innovative computer programme that has made his task easier and more accurate. His new concordance is a considerable achievement and will transform our knowledge of the period, enabling us to see more clearly Surrey’s importance, gauge his debts to his predecessors and contemporaries and have a better appreciation of why he was so admired by the Elizabethans.”
-Dr. L.G. Black
Emeritus Fellow in English,
Oriel College, Oxford
Table of Contents
Foreword by Andrew Hiscock
Concordance Word Frequencies
Stop List Frequencies
Other Poetry Books
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