Gutiérrez, José Ismael

Dr. José Ismael Gutiérrez (Tenerife, Canary Islands, 1964) has a Doctor in Philology from the University of La Laguna, Spain. Currently he works as a Professor of Theory of Literature at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Author of Manuel Gutierrez Najera y sus cuentas. De la cronica periadistica al relata de ficcion (New York, 1999) and co-editor, with Petra-Iraides Cruz Leal, of the book La estirpe de Telemaca. Estudias sabre la literatura y el viaje (Madrid, 2004), Dr. Gutiérrez has published numerous articles in American and European academic journals and has participated in several International Literature Conferences.

CartografiÁs Literarias Del Exilio: Tres PoÉticas Hispanoamericanas
2005 0-7734-6225-2
Along with the reshaping of territories, and socio-economic and cultural dimensions which took place on a worldwide scale, the last few decades have also witnessed a reshaping of the spectrum and voices of Latin-American writers that have created, revisited and suffered the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of exile. Jose Ismael Gutierrez's work shares this concern, namely the need for research, which for some time has been enriching the Latin-American literary bibliography in these parts, as never before. Linked to one of the essential discursive categories of the literary phenomenon in the New World -territorial displacement as a system, involuntary displacement and the stigma of exclusion- and being based on points of view drawn from sociology, politics, philosophy, psychology and culture in general, this study deals with the experience of exile in the works of three Spanish American writers: the Cuban authors, Reinaldo Arenas and Manuel Diaz Martinez, as well as the Uruguayan author, Fernando Ainsa.

Price: $179.95