Jacobson, John R.

Existence of God Essays. From the Basic Issues Forum
1989 0-88946-339-5
Essayists' intercultural, interdisciplinary responses to the issue "The Existence of God" proposed by the Basic Issues Forum of Washington and Jefferson College. Essays include such topics as "Is `Existence' a Desirable Attribute of a Real God?" by Robert F. Streetman, "Jungian Archetypes and the Transcendent Image" by Nancy Tenfelde Clasby, "The Universe as `Controlled Accident'" by Conrad Hyers, and "The Ethics of Unbelief: Philosophy, Responsibility, and the `Ratio Anselmi'" by G. Scott Davis.

Price: $219.95

Territorial Rights of Nations and Peoples
1989 0-88946-588-6

Price: $239.95