Whisker, James B.

About the author: James B. Whisker received his PhD from the University of Maryland, and is Professor at West Virginia University.

American Colonial Militia, Volume I. Introduction to the American Colonial Militia
1997 0-7734-8520-1
This series incorporates study of the legislative debate and action, various enactments, attempts to supply equipage, and action in war and peace. It utilizes original source material, primarily state archives, newspapers, and collections of historical societies.

Price: $179.95

American Colonial Militia, Volume II. The New England Militia, 1606-1785
1997 0-7734-8522-8
This series incorporates study of the legislative debate and action, various enactments, attempts to supply equipage, and action in war and peace. It utilizes original source material, primarily state archives, newspapers, and collections of historical societies.

Price: $179.95

American Colonial Militia, Volume III. The Pennsylvania Colonial Militia
1997 0-7734-8524-4
This series incorporates study of the legislative debate and action, various enactments, attempts to supply equipage, and action in war and peace. It utilizes original source material, primarily state archives, newspapers, and collections of historical societies. Volume I: Introduction to the American Colonial Militia

Price: $179.95

American Colonial Militia, Volume IV. The Colonial Militias of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
1997 0-7734-8526-0
This series incorporates study of the legislative debate and action, various enactments, attempts to supply equipage, and action in war and peace. It utilizes original source material, primarily state archives, newspapers, and collections of historical societies.

Price: $179.95

American Colonial Militia, Volume V: Colonial Militia of the Southern States
1997 0-7734-8528-7
This series incorporates study of the legislative debate and action, various enactments, attempts to supply equipage, and action in war and peace. It utilizes original source material, primarily state archives, newspapers, and collections of historical societies.

Price: $179.95

Anna Ella Carroll (1815-1893), American Political Writer of Maryland
1993 0-7734-9244-5
Biographical sketch and edited writings of Anna Ella Carroll, a politically active woman, usually a Republican, who was the architect of Lincoln's military plan to cut the CSA in half, and was the author of Lincoln's War Powers of the President.

Price: $199.95

Arms Makers of Philadelphia
1991 0-88946-092-2

Price: $139.95

Arms Makers of Virginia and West Virginia
1991 0-88946-690-4
A bibliography of gunsmiths of Virginia with name, date, and location indicated.

Price: $179.95

Arms Making in Maryland
1991 0-7734-9786-2
A bibliography of gunsmiths of Maryland with name, date, and location indicated.

Price: $159.95

Capital Punishment in Religious and Philosophical Thought
2019 1-4955-0788-2
Dr. James Whisker and Dr. Kevin Spiker discuss the issue of capital through a religious and philosophical context. It uses both holy text and religious thinkers over the ages. They also include historical precedents as well.

Price: $239.95

Clockmakers and Watchmakers of Maryland, 1660-1900
1997 0-7734-8630-5
Using mainly original sources (U.S. Census, tax lists, advertisements, family records, etc.) this volume details the clock- and watchmakers in Maryland between 1660 and 1900. This volume covers, by a large margin, more on the tradesmen than anything else yet published on the subject.

Price: $199.95

Edited Edition of Anna Ella Carroll's the Great American Battle
1996 0-7734-9019-1
Anna Ella Carroll, a politically active woman, usually a Republican, who was the architect of Lincoln's military plan to cut the CSA in half, may be one of the most significant and influential, if bigoted and controversial, figures of nineteenth-century American political thought. The Great American Battle is her magnum opus. This edited edition contains an original and well-researched introduction, and notes of explanation on the text, clarifying for the reader some of Carroll's references and allegories. The introductory section discusses the two people who figure prominently in the manuscript, former President Millard Fillmore (many thought she and he would wed after his wife died) and Bishop Hughes, the object of many of Carroll's attacks.

Price: $199.95

Famous Extradition Cases
2023 1-4955-1127-8
This book offers a history of extradition cases as well as a general discussion of extradition. "Extradition means the transfer of someone from one country to another for the purpose of prosecution or punishment for an offense of which they have been convicted. In general, extradition is only possible if there is an extradition agreement between the two countries in question. ...Individual countries also have specific rules about extradition. Most nations do not allow extradition for the purpose only of criminal investigation. Most nations also require some proof of guilt of the person requested. They also require that the alleged offense be punishable as a crime in the rested nation." -from The Authors' Introduction

Price: $199.95

Glossary of U.S. Government Vocabulary
1990 0-7734-9242-9
All social sciences/humanities are seeking to develop precise vocabulary such as is employed by the physical sciences and mathematics. This manuscript is a modest contribution toward defining the precise use of vocabulary in 1992 in American national government. This dictionary has concentrated heavily on providing summaries on the outputs of the federal courts, especially the United States Supreme Court, as their decisions impact on students of politics, practitioners, and attorneys. The final chapter offers working definitions of the vocabulary of political socialization and political culture.

Price: $179.95

Gunsmith's Trade
1992 0-7734-9479-0
A history of gunsmithing in America. Although the English guild system regulated the trade in the Mother Country, Americans, as usual, preferred freedom to regulation. This book examines the gunsmithing trade in relation to the militia; apprenticeships; labor; tools and equipment; the Frontier gunsmith; and traitors, criminals, and deserters.

Price: $219.95

Gunsmiths of Lancaster and York Counties, Pennsylvania
1990 0-88946-091-4

Price: $179.95

Gunsmiths of the Carolinas, 1660-1870
1993 0-7734-9278-X
A fully documented listing of gunsmiths, cutlers, gunpowder makers and other arms makers of the Carolinas. Utilizes primary sources such as period newspapers, U.S. Census reports, and city directories, along with reliable secondary sources, such as Dr. Mackintosh's unpublished list and Mr. Bivins' published research. Provides a comprehensive introduction to arms making, apprenticeships, the need for arms among the militias, especially in the period before 1800, and the various secondary trades practiced by gunsmiths.

Price: $179.95

Gunsmiths of Western Pennsylvania
1990 0-88946-093-0
Includes numerous photographs.

Price: $179.95

How Preferential Option for the Poor (POP) Became the Chief Doctrine of Christianity
2024 1-4955-1258-4
This book describes the history of and behind the preferential option for the poor, especially through an exploration of the history and development of Liberation Theology. "Since traditional Christianity, and especially Catholicism, were not revolution-minded, Liberation Theology would have to fabricate a new theology which not only allowed, but assisted, in the destruction of the old society and creation of the new." -James Biser Whisker and John R. Coe

Price: $159.95

Hunting in the Western Tradition Volume One. The Western Hunting Tradition
1999 0-7734-8209-1
First of a four-volume series on the origins of American hunting rights. It is the overall contention of this series that there exiests a substantial and virtually uncontradicted corpus of material that buttresses this, one of mankind's most substantial and ancient rights. The philosophical tradtions are interpreted, as well as the political traditions of the hunt and the sociopolitical climate in which hunting has been, and still is, practiced. Table of contents: Man the Hunter; Our Ancient Hunting Heritage; Our Hunting Heritage – England; How the Hunt Was Conducted; The Amerindian's Method of Hunting; European Impact on Amerindian Hunting; Hunting and the American Experience; Bibliography; Index

Price: $159.95

Hunting in the Western Tradition Volume Two. Our Hunting Heritage- The Written Tradition, c. 800 BC - 1925 AD
1999 0-7734-8211-3

Price: $179.95

Interpretations of the Devil: From Enoch to Mark Twain
2024 1-4955-1231-2
This book explores the devil as a traditional subject and theme in the area of religious studies. The authors also offer a history of treatments and representations of the devil across literary works.

Price: $159.95

James Wilson, American Patriot: Father of the Constitution
2023 1-4955-1081-6
"It would be difficult to find a more important subject to study than James Wilson. He was one of only a few men who signed both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. He was the only one who served in both the Constitutional Convention and the Pennsylvania Ratification Convention. One of the most prominent lawyers of his time, Wilson was one of the most prolific speakers at the Constitutional Convention, rising to address the convention some 168 times. Wilson supported proportional representation, greater popular control of governance, and a strong national government." -from the Introduction

Price: $199.95

1992 0-7734-9553-3
This is a succinct comparative study of civilian militias, covering a vast amount of material frequently overlooked in conventional military history. Not only examines American, European, Asian, and Middle East militias, but also discusses the traditions of political thinking about the role of citizen soldiers as distinct from professional or mercenary military class.

Price: $179.95

Pennsylvania Clockmakers and Watchmakers, 1660-1900
1995 0-7734-8966-5
Using mainly original sources (U.S. Census, tax lists, advertisements, family records, etc.) this volume details the clock- and watchmakers in the Province of and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania between 1660 and 1900. This volume covers, by a large margin, more on the tradesmen than anything else yet published on the subject.

Price: $239.95

Pennsylvania Potters, 1660-1900
1993 0-7734-9262-3
Cottage industry pottery making was an important trade in the Province of Pennsylvania from the earliest years onward. Potters produced table ware, storage jars, porcelain ware, lamps, pitchers, and other useful and decorative art. Using mainly original sources (U.S. Census, tax lists, advertisements, family records, etc.) this is a book about the men and women who made pottery in the Province of and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania between 1660 and 1900.

Price: $219.95

Pennsylvania Silversmiths, Goldsmiths and Pewterers, 1684-1900
1993 0-7734-9260-7
This treatise provides a checklist of the tradesmen who worked in the mediums of gold, silver and pewter from the earliest days through 1900 in Pennsylvania. Also offers an overview of the general relationship between established tradesmen and their apprentices and servants. Utilizes original source materials.

Price: $219.95

Pennsylvania Workers in Brass, Copper and Tin, 1681-1900
1993 0-7734-9258-5
This treatise provides a checklist of the tradesmen who worked in the mediums of brass, copper and tin from the earliest days through 1900 in Pennsylvania. Also offers an overview of the general relationship between established tradesmen and their apprentices and servants. Utilizes original source materials.

Price: $179.95

Piracy: Past, Present, Future
2023 1-4955-1063-8
This book provides a history of piracy. "Traditional piracy is a crime of ancient origin.... It has existed as long as there have been ships at sea because pirates have sought to steal from them. Internationally, laws against piracy have ancient origins, too, but advanced technical law developed chiefly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with codification in treaties coming half way through the twentieth century. The United States has cooperated with other nations to combat piracy at the international level in the twentieth century." -James Biser Whisker and John R. Coe (Introduction)

Price: $239.95

Production of Military Arms in the Commonwealth of Virginia
2004 0-7734-6454-9
This book covers both public and private martial arms contracting in the Commonwealth of Virginia, c. 1660 to 1865. The book focuses on the manufacture of arms by cottage industry gunsmiths who provided arms during the War for Independence; attempts to manufacture and repair arms during the Revolution in state-operated and private armories; attempts at the purchase of arms after the Revolution; private contract arms; and the operation of the state-owned Virginia Manufactory of Amrs.

Price: $159.95

Supremacy of the State in International Law
2003 0-7734-6848-X
The Act of State Doctrine holds that a state is legally supreme within its own boundaries and its sovereign is wholly immune to the judgments of other nations. The acts that the sovereign power’s agents perform as part of their official duties and responsibilities cannot be called into question in the courts of another nation. If a state possesses not final and complete power over its own territory and citizens it is a dependency, a colony, or an occupied area. As nations moved into the modern world nations began to have second thoughts about maintaining and supporting sovereign absolutism. This study investigates past, current, and emerging meanings of the act of state doctrine. It also examines exceptions to the act of state doctrine.

Price: $199.95

The Antichrist from Earliest Times Through the Reformation: The History of a Theological Idea
2024 1-4955-1232-0
This book is a thematic study offering a history of representations of the antichrist in religious thought and literature. "The malevolent figure of the Antichrist has endured for more than two millennia as both a religious and secular character. Its spectral figure has cast a powerful shadow over events during these ages. For two thousand years the Antichrist has appeared as the evil antagonist against Jesus Christ in the cosmic dual between good and evil." -The Authors

Price: $159.95

The Great Replacement Theory: The Origin and Proliferations of a Political Idea (hardcover edition)
2023 1-4955-1124-X
"There are two key terms applicable in all areas in which the "Great Replacement Theory" is espoused: replacement and loss of power. ... Most of the Great Replacement theories are prospective in nature, warning of dire consequences which will follow if the involved nation does not alter its current policies. This applies specifically to immigration, with very few other applications or areas of concern or alarm." -James B. Whisker and John R. Coe

Price: $159.95

The Great Replacement Theory: The Origin and Proliferations of a Political Idea (softcover edition)
2023 1-4955-1125-1
"There are two key terms applicable in all areas in which the "Great Replacement Theory" is espoused: replacement and loss of power. ... Most of the Great Replacement theories are prospective in nature, warning of dire consequences which will follow if the involved nation does not alter its current policies. This applies specifically to immigration, with very few other applications or areas of concern or alarm." -James B. Whisker and John R. Coe

Price: $69.95

The North Carolina Militia, 1585-1783
2024 1-4955-1294-0
"During the colonial era, the militia system was linked to a fundamental concept of provincial citizenship. Along with church and governments, militia systems were considered to be one of three pillars of provincial society. The colonial militias constituted the primary instrument of defense for the American colonies. By the latter part of the 17th century, the militias had become more complex. ...The structures and functions of local militias and expeditionary forces continued to evolve through the series of imperial wars of the eighteenth century." -James Biser Whisker ("Introduction")

Price: $139.95

U.S. and Confederate Arms and Armories During the American Civil War. Vol. 1.
2002 0-7734-7121-9

Price: $179.95

U.S. and Confederate Arms and Armories During the American Civil War. Vol. 2. U. S. Rifles-Muskets of the Civil War.
2002 0-7734-7117-0

Price: $199.95

U.S. and Confederate Arms and Armories During the American Civil War. Vol. 3. Arms Imported From Europe During the American Civil War, 1861-1865.
2002 0-7734-7119-7

Price: $179.95

U.S. and Confederate Arms and Armories During the American Civil War. Vol. 4. U. S. Civil War Carbines.
2002 0-7734-7111-1

Price: $199.95

United States Armory at Harper's Ferry, 1799-1860
1997 0-7734-8603-8
Examines the establishment of the Armory, early civilian superintendancy, the temporary takeover by Ordnance, the influence of the Hall rifle, annual manufacture and procurement, conversions, and includes a list of armorers there.

Price: $179.95

United States Armory at Springfield, 1795-1865
1997 0-7734-8620-8

Price: $199.95

Virginia Clockmakers and Watchmakers, 1660-1860
1999 0-7734-8154-0
Lists those who made ore repaired clocks and watches in Virginia from the earliest days to the Civil War and shortly thereafter using US Census data, court records tax lists, newspaper ads, and county histories.

Price: $159.95