Gábor, Éva

About the editor: Éva Gábor was born in Budapest. She is an associate professor at the Technical University, Budapest, in the Department of Philosophy and History of Sciences. She has published many studies of the theories of ideology and utopia, the sociology of knowledge, and the history of Hungarian philosophy in the 20th century.

Selected Correspondence (1911-1946) of Karl Mannheim, Scientist, Philosopher and Sociologist
2003 0-7734-6837-4
Karl Mannheim (1893-1974) left his native Hungary in 1919. he lived in Germany and Great Britain, and became a professor at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, later of the University of London. He was an outstanding scientist, philosopher, and sociologist. This book, selections of nearly 300 letters (professional, personal, cultural), show the wide range of European and American thought. They include Mannheim’s dealings with Georg Lukács, Oscar Jászi, Michael Polanyi, Alfred Weber, Leopold von Wiese, Paul Tillich, Siegfried Kracauer, Emil Lederer, Harold Laski, Morris Ginsberg, Herbert Read, Louis Wirth, Edward Shils, and other major figures. The letters originally written in Hungarian and German have been translated into English. This book will interest researchers in philosophy, sociology, and the humanities.

Price: $299.95