Lombardi, Chiara
University of Naples Department of Asian, African, and Mediterranean Studies

Dr. Chiara Lombardi teaches in the Department of Asian, African, and Mediterranean Studies at the University of Naples.

A History of the Goddess Isis (hard cover)
2021 1-4955-0890-0
Hardcover book/30 color images. From the author: "The analysis of the figure of Isis appears to be distinguished by studies that have only rarely been devoted to an overall view of the role of the goddess. ...The purpose of [this] study is precisely to give an organic contribution to the different material on Isis so far published. But [the] goal is also to understand who Isis is originally and how Isis has been transformed over time. ...[T]his is not a mutation of her original being, but an extension of her prerogatives, due both to the typicality of the Egyptian religion, and to her character that binds her deeply to human feeling."

Price: $319.95