Amador-Moreno, Carolina P.

Carolina P. Amador-Moreno is a lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Extremadura, Spain. After completing her PhD, she joined the Department of Languages and Cultural Studies, at the University of Limerick, where she taught for three years. Before returning to Extremadura, she was also a lecturer at the English Department, University College Dublin. Her research interests centre on the English spoken in Ireland and include sociolinguistics, stylistics, and pragmatics as well as corpus linguistics. She is a member of the IVACS (Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies) research centre, and associate member of CALS (Centre for Applied Language Studies), at the University of Limerick.

An Analysis of Hiberno-English in the Early Novels of Patrick Macgill: Bilingualism and Language Shift from Irish to English in County Donegal
2006 0-7734-5808-5
This study is a linguistic analysis of two novels by the early twentieth-century Donegal writer Patrick MacGill. Both Children of the Dead End and The Rat Pit enjoyed great popularity in England and the USA, though not in Ireland itself, where they were not so well received. From a linguistic point of view, these two novels form a particularly interesting source of data for the study of the dialectal variety known as Hiberno-English (or Irish English), as the author purports to give an accurate portrayal of the types of English spoken in Donegal in a period of ongoing bilingualism and language shift from Irish to English.

Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the author’s biographical, literary and linguistic background. This is supplemented with a description of the English of Donegal. Chapter 2 is devoted to an analysis of the syntax and grammar of the two novels, such as the use of the definite article, the reflexive pronoun or the cleft sentence, among other features. Chapter 3 pays special attention to the vocabulary found in the novels. The grammatical, syntactic and lexical features analyzed here are heavily influenced by the Irish language and bear striking similarities with the type of structures produced by second language learners, which allows us to look at this variety of English in a different light. This work will appeal to scholars interested in Irish English, languages in contact and Irish Literature in English.

Price: $239.95

Representation of the Spoken Mode in Fiction: How Authors Write How People Talk
2009 0-7734-4677-X
The book is a cross-disciplinary, multi-genre study of spoken features of language in fiction whose aim is to examine not only how oral strategies are used in fictional discourse, but also the functions of those oral strategies. The volume covers a broad range of genres including the novel, autobiography, theatre, cinema, and television.

Price: $179.95