Dr. Anthony W. Lee is Assistant Professor of English at Kentucky Wesleyan College. He received his undergraduate degree in English and History from the University of Texas, and holds graduate degrees in English from the University of Chicago and the University of Arkansas. Dr. Lee has published articles on several authors of the eighteenth-century, including Aphra Behn, John Dryden, James Boswell, Edward Gibbon, and Samuel Johnson. He specializes in eighteenth-century British literature, Samuel Johnson and his circle, and literary mentoring.
2005 0-7734-6085-3 Explores the phenomenon of literary mentoring and the role that it played in Samuel Johnson’s literary and personal life. Synthesizing this model with Levinsonian psychosocial theories of adult development, it explores Johnson’s relationships with Cornelius Ford, Richard Savage, Oliver Goldsmith, Hester Thrale, Frances Burney, and James Boswell, tracing how each relationship interweaves with stages in Johnson’s psychological development. It also examines mentoring themes in Johnson’s early poetry.